неделя, 1 декември 2013 г.

Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound)

Search results for "Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound)"

Product Description

The UEHA surf series is constructed with high modulus TC2 graphite construction. It has high-grade titanium oxide ring guides and a Fuji aluminum oxide tip top guide. Our superior non-slip cork tape handle and APS graphite reel seat make it designed for SE and West coast surf fishing for perch, salmon, and stripers.

  • High modulus graphite construction
  • High grade titanium oxide ring guides and FUJI aluminum oxide ring tip top guide
  • TICA APS graphite reel seat
  • Superior non-slip cork tape handle
  • New light tackle surf rods designed for surf perch, salmon and stripers

Customers tags: Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound); Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Rod (Heavy, 10-Feet, 2-Piece, 12-30 Pound) Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing , e0/134501683-149x149-0-0_tica+tica+surf+spinning+fishing+rod+heavy+ Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound) /tica-ueha836502s-surf ,Tica UKGA Series Surf Spinning Fishing Rod . 3.5 out of 5 stars . $49.20 - $108.00. Style Name: 2-Piece | Size Name: 12-Feet, Medium | Amazon Verified Purchase.,tica surf casting fishing rod Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound) Tica UEHA630502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod ,2 stores Tica Surf Spinning Fishing Rod Tica UEHA836502S Surf $146.79 Amazon Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound),Affordable Tica UEHA836502SSurf Spinning Fishing Rod X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound - Grab It Now!,Tica Ueha836502sSurf Spinning Fishing Rod (x Heavy, 12 Feet, 2 Piece, 15 40 Pound) : Gun Metal : Sports for Casting Rods As one of Tica outstanding ,if you want for Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound) best deal Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X ,if you want for Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound) best deal Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X ,The Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X-Heavy, 12-Feet, 2-Piece, 15-40 Pound) you can buy Tica UEHA836502S Surf Spinning Fishing Rod (X

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